Labour Today (Election Special)

Introducing the Candidates According to Their Junk Mail

Jenny Riddel-Carpenter

In Suffolk Coastal public school educated Jenny Riddel Carpenter’s leaflet seems rather devoid of information. She talks about growing up in Suffolk Coastal and waffles on about being seen in the constituency which is interesting becuase theough brought up around here nobody saw her around here until after the General Election was called. She has a couple of her friends saying that they’re voting Labour.

It has a picture of Kier Starmer on it talking about his first steps

He will create economic chaos, destroy the NHS with more pfi’s stop flights to Rwanda and he campaigned to have Shamima Begum remain a British citizen. He will also wreck the economy with ridiculous green energy targets

At the Woodbridge hustings privately educated Jenny Riddell-Carpenter seemed somewhat cagey about the policy of VAT on private school fees. As all the state schools around here are alrewady at capacity and the policy based on the politics of envy would exacerbate the problem, that’s not surprising.

Kevin Craig

Meanwhile in Central Suffolk and North Ipswich Kevin Craig has sent out a leaflt with a letter on it. He talks about his business which Calais Jack works for. He says he is unhappy with the state of the NHs which is a result of the last Labour government’s pfi’s. He says he has spoken to people who are angry that Conservatives ‘partied at Downing Street while obviously the party in Durham was fine because to Labour there is one rule form them and a rule for the rest of us. to Labour a cake and a glass of orange is a party while San Miguel and curry is a work event becuase Labour do not live in the real world. He talks about the cost of living which was cost by Covid restrictions that Labour thought weren’t draconian enough.

Jack Abbott

Meanwhile in Ipswich Calais Jack claimed he moved to Suffolk 25 years ago. The question is does he still live in the Sælig Suffolk? Especially has at the end of May he was registered to vote in Norwich. He says Suffolk is his home, so why is he registered to vote in Mustard City?

He caims that every commitment a Labour government would make will be based on sound money and economic stability. Whose sound money and what economic stability? pfi’s would be money for big business going off shore and economic stability would be for big business rather than the wider economy that effects the lives of average people. He then goes on about the NHS which they wrecked with pfi’s He talks about building more houses for his illegal immigrant friends.

He talks about a lot of stuff but doesn’t mention the issue of immigration because he supports open door immigration. He has visited Calias on numerous occasions in support illegal migrants invading this country. But he doesn;t mention any of this in his leaflets? Why? Does he know that Ipswich people are fed up with migrants ruining the town?

Jack Abbott supported the Novatel being taken over by illegal immigrants doing damage to the town’s economy. He was there with a megaphone ranting in favour of the Ipswich economy being damaged in favour of illegal migrants. But there is no mention on his passionate stance to have the country over run, having public services buckle and spending an absolute fortune in tax payers money on housing and benefits to the illegal migrants.

He is an EUphile and would love open borders so the country can be swamped with swarms of economic migrants living off the tax payer.

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