Lib Dem Focus

In Suffolk Coastal Jules EUwart has an office in the political hot bed that is Saxmundham. and in her junk mail she claims to be a champion for local voters and claims to be an expert on the problems of the NHS due to being a former state registered nurse. Of course naturally she believes more money should be thrown at it. Julia then says that if elected she will create a department of Suffolk water supply even though Suffolk hasn’t had a hose pipe ban in years. Naturally it’s about sewage discharges but she doesn’t mention the root of the problem which is more housing without the infrastructure being extended meaning that many sewage works are around capacity. Her junk mail then talks about energy infrastructure.

Naturally Jules leaflet has the mandatory dodgy graph claiming that only they can win in Coastal she says that Labour are saying only they can win here in the junk mail and interestingly, when the question was cheekily asked at the hustings in Woodbridge her answer was some what naunced.

Meanwhile in Mid Suffolk and North Ipswich the leaflet is less glossy to impress the more working class demographic. and announces that Brett Mickleburgh is Ipswich born. Yeah, but what speedway team do you support? For an Ipswich Lib Dem he is going quite a way from where Ipswich Lib Dems only dare to tread. Framlingham and Needham Market are quite a way from Saint Margarets. It says that he has a track record of putting back into the community to make it a better place but then has no details of this track record.

It then says that he hears from One Nation Conservatives that the party they loved has abandoned them, they don’t trust Kier Starmer and can’t vote for the Green Parties socialist policies. I am a One Nation Conservative and still love the Conservative Party. It seems that the Yellow Peril are attempting to appeal to the kind of people who probably vote Lib Dem anyway, that quinoa munching section of the middle class who haven’t got a clue about the issues effecting society as a whole. They hide the fact that they like to put people in boxes like all socialists do, but it doesn’t take much analysis to see it. The Lib Dems are elitist and would still rather the working class didn’t have the vote. Of course they wouldn’t trust Kier Starmer but to say that they can’t vote for the Green Parties socialist policies means they can’t vote for the Lib Dems either because a vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for the Green Parties socialist policies. The Lib Dems are in coalition with the Greens on Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk District Council. The Greens can’t hide it as much now but the Lib Dems still try and hide the fact that they are socialists and wear yellow rossettes rather than red ones to hide their extreme left beliefs. The Lib Dems and the Greens are virtually the same except the Greens are ever so slightly more left wing and the Lib Dems are completely mad rather than slightly mad.

It says he watched his friends suffer. Hold yew ard! I thought the Lib Dems were caring people. He just watched and did nothing?

It says the Lib Dems have a five year plan to restore the NHS with no details of the plan. It talks about protecting the environment and supporting farmers. As I’ve already stated a vote for the Lib Dems is a vote for the Green Party’s socialist policies, I add here that the Geren Party’s agricultural policy would wreck the industry.

It finishes by using what the Invisible Dan said about Conservative policies. The Invisible Dan was always a socialist and belonged in the Labour Party but stood as a Conservative because he didn’t want to upset his mum. To actually have to use what he said shows desperation on the Lib Dems part.

The strangest thing about Mickleburgh’s leaflet is it hasn’t got the mandatory dodgy graph on it.

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