Labour’s Latest Nasty Spam Email

Labour are continuing their sickening lies about the NHS.

I said here. that the NHS was the result of the Beveridge report commissioned by the war time government lead by Sir Winston Churchill. Labour have invented a myth that it was their idea and all other parties opposed it. Beveridge was in fact, a Liberal. The NHS is an absolutely amazing organisation. When you consider its size and purpose, it’s a wonder that it works at all. But on the whole it does work and helps keep most of us in good health.

In his conference speech, Prime Minister, David Cameron said

When it comes to our elderly, one thing matters above everything.

Knowing the NHS is there for you.

From Labour last week, we heard the same old rubbish about the Conservatives and the NHS.

Spreading complete and utter lies.

I just think: how dare you.

It was the Labour Party who gave us the scandal at Mid Staffs…

…elderly people begging for water and dying of neglect.

And for me, this is personal.

I am someone who has relied on the NHS – whose family knows more than most how important it is…

…who knows what it’s like to go to hospital night after night with a child in your arms…

…knowing that when you get there, you have people who will care for that child and love that child like their own.

How dare they suggest I would ever put that at risk for other people’s children?…

…how dare they frighten those who are relying on the NHS right now?

It might be the only thing that gets a cheer at their Party conference but it is frankly pathetic.

We in this party can be proud of what we’ve done.

We came in and protected the NHS budget.

Funding six and a half thousand more doctors – 3300 more nurses…

…a Cancer Drugs Fund to save lives…

…more people hearing those two magic words: “all clear”.

And think of the amazing things around the corner.

From the country that unravelled DNA, we are now mapping it for each individual…it’s called the genome, and I’ve got a model of one of the first ones on my desk in Downing Street.

Cracking this code could mean curing rare genetic diseases and saving lives.

Our NHS is leading the world on this incredible technology.
I understand very personally the difference it could make.

When you have a child who’s so ill and the doctors can’t work out what he’s got or why – you’d give anything to know.

The investment we’re making will mean that more parents have those answers and hopefully the cures that go with them.

And let’s be clear: all this is only possible because we have managed our economy responsibly.
That is why I can tell you this: we will do it again.
The next Conservative Government will protect the NHS budget and continue to invest more.
Because we know this truth…
… something Labour will never understand – and we will never forget…
You can only have a strong NHS if you have a strong economy.

For me, this is personal too. Last week my mother had a stroke. The Ipswich hospital stroke unit was excellent. While my mother was in hospital, Labour were saying that the NHS is at breaking point and we Tories don’t care. How dare they! As David Cameron meant what he said, I mean what I say. But Labour are the true nasty party.

Labour are the true nasty party. Hence they responded to David Cameron’s speech with another spam Email full of the usual lies. The Email is so nasty, they should be ashamed of it but Labour do not possess any decency to be so.

The nasty Email said

It’s a choice between the party that built the NHS, that fought for and protected it for generations to come — and the party that, once again, is running it into the ground.

What utter lies! Labour ran the NHS in to the ground with their ridiculous targets leading to wheels being taken off trolleys to cut trolley waiting times. The NHS after 13 years of mismanagement and being run down under Labour is now the best health care system in the world under the Tories. Read it and weep Labour!

The Email continues

It’s a choice between a Prime Minister who bows to the every demand of his small circle of millionaire donors — and a Prime Minister who will stand up for the rest of us.

Wrong! It’s a choice between a puppet who bows to the every demand of his trade union masters — and a Prime Minister who stands up for all of us.

Then the Email rises to the utmost heights of hypocrisy

It’s a choice between fairness, compassion, generosity of spirit — and, well… the worldview that gave us the bedroom tax.

Who first brought in the ‘bedroom tax’ as they incorrectly call it? Labour!

It’s a choice between a party of fairness, compassion and generosity of spirit that has created a spirit of aspiration leading to more people in employment than ever before including 116,000 disabled people that are no longer forced to live on DLA and allowed more new businesses to start creating more jobs and prosperity for all or the party with the world view that lead to the creation of an underclass left to rot on measly state handouts while they sold the NHS off to their rich mates.

Vote Conservative

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